Phew, 2020 is ending soon!

The most important lesson I’ve learned in 2020 is to make lemonade (I actually did) and how to put aside but not discard the tragic events. This pandemic has touched countless lives and I’m dedicating this article to all of you. All of us, survivors, thinkers, helpers, listeners, friends and citizens of the world, we had to stand united in this fight against the coronavirus while remaining mentally sane and functioning.
The vaccines are on their way, which could potentially lead to another divide. Pro-vaccines vs skeptics will further the debate on public health vs personal freedom. Let’s remind ourselves that whichever decision governments, nations and individuals make, we still have a duty to be respectful towards each other. We don’t need to agree, but we must remain respectful and listen to the other side’s opinions.
This year, I heard a lot of negativity. Sad news spreading about the rising number of infected cases in hospitals, ventilators missing, people losing their jobs and losing their health insurance in the process. We also heard about the devastating fires in Australia and California. The dreamy orange sky in San Francisco made the news. We mourned the death of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and too many innocent lives who didn’t deserve to die. We protested, spoke loudly, wrote, podcasted and fought to be heard. We desperately cried for change and we kept the fight alive although we knew it wouldn’t happen overnight.
This incredible year went by so fast; I can’t believe it will be over in a few days. I’m tired because I went through the same struggles as y’all. I am trying to survive this pandemic and it’s already hard to have lost a job, seeing my friends lose their relatives to the virus and not being able to travel to see my family. It’s been tough but good things also came by.
Last March, I had the chance to create this blog to share my voice on education. I was originally crippled with fear of other people’s judgments while trying to make an important change on how people view the education system and filling up on what was missing in schools. The only piece of writing I had produced was my personal diary as an angry teenager. I didn’t know how to write. I was nobody but I knew I wanted to start somewhere, even if it meant that it would suck at first. And my friends, it did. I was harsh on myself and on my writing, I hate web designing and still feel unhappy about my logo.
Discouraging (yet, well-intentioned) remarks rapidly made their way because that’s what people do. They try to be protective and don’t necessarily understand the need for change. But the truth is I was mostly fighting myself, my own subconscious fears, self-doubt and low self-esteem. These were the real source of my pain.
“No one will read blog, it’s going to be corny.
You should look for a job instead of wasting your time.”
Except that when we’re confined, we don’t hear this noise. It all came clear to me that I should not give a f*ck about other people’s opinions or my own about something as trivial as a blog. It’s the very definition of a blog. It’s meant to be personal, vulnerable and imperfectly perfect. People, including myself can easily close the page if they’re unhappy with it.
Although I didn’t publish as many articles as I hoped, I am more than happy that it brought a sense of togetherness by sharing my passion for the betterment of education. My subscribers list is continually growing. I may not know all of you, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart if you continue to go back on my website to find tricks and tips on education. Feel free to message me and reach out to grow this community, I’d love to know you.
I am not a parent (yet!) and I’ve only taught as a volunteer and online teacher for 4 years. My advice and blog posts aren’t comparable to an expert but it’s from an authentic place of personal experience including observation and questioning. I am writing these blog posts because I care to share my findings aka advice I wish I knew when I was younger.
If anything, this blog really helped me deal with this pandemic because I learned to make the most out of time with myself. I finally had the time to work on a project dear to my heart without having to cancel party invitations and feeling guilty about it. It also showed me that we don’t need years of professional experience and a framed diploma to do what you love. Just take a step forward and the confidence will follow and build over time. No one has it perfect and no one ever will.
In order to empower and encourage people to make the best out of this confinement, choose love above all. Listen to what gets you excited and share it with love to your friends. You’ll find your supportive community, it’s only a matter of time before finding your right kind of crowd.
In the future, I strongly hope there will be more togetherness. We have been standing strong and sending each other good vibes through video chats and social media. So, let’s dare to hope for more love like it is an unlimited currency.
Looking forward to 2021!
With love,